It all started with biology and challah.
Biology is unstoppable. It has been a part of life on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years, which is the age of the oldest fossils ever found. Biology and evolution have been the driving force behind the earliest prokaryotic cells, the great oxygen extinction 2.3 billion years ago, and the origin of protists, plants, fungi, animals, and modern humans.
In other words, you can't stop biology.
Fossilized stromatolite in Strelley Pool chert, about 3.4 billion years old, from Pilbara Craton, Western Australia

Challah is pretty unstoppable too. It plays an important role in bringing families and the community together, helps recharge the body and mind at the end of the week, and tastes great, especially with honey.
In 2012, the original biology/challah merged into bi-challah-gy. Since then, many -ologies have been added to the collection, and we are constantly adding more designs that focus on Jewish pride, science, and humor.
Thanks for reading.